I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!! :D
Hello my friends, I hope that your Sunday is starting off right; I started mine off with this good ol' cup of coffee! It's pretty much delicious, and it's all because of this guy. Goodness, I cannot believe a whole week has already gone by! Let me do a little recap of my adventures since the last time we talked:
- I went on the most perfect date with a very handsome guy! :) We went to a theme park to play put put golf, and then proceeded to have a delicious dinner under glowing lights! Not that this is relevant, but I had a delicious Greek chicken pita sandwich, and some warm/cheesy/creamy spinach & artichoke dip with toasted pita bread slices...... are you drooling yet? Words don't do this food justice.... I tried :(
- I went to my school's club fair, and got to enjoy hanging out with my new, awesome friends, and also sign up for some new clubs!
- I went SHOPPING for some new, fall clothes, which instantly put me in a fantastic mood! I don't know why, but adding a few new additions to my closest made my mood ten times better that particular day. Crazy how that works, huh?..... By the way, you all should go check out Old Navy's Labor Day sales! They. Rock.
- Today I bought the ingredients to make this delicious Greek quinoa salad & these clean-eating berry muffins! I am going to portion the salad into mason jars, and eat it for lunch the rest of the week. As for the muffins, they will be my breakfast! (crossing my fingers they turn out yummy)!!
- I started my lifting regime again!! #teammuscle For any of you that want to start working out and/or lifting, you should go check out bodybuilding.com. On the website you can find workouts to target certain muscle groups.
- I got a call from my little sissy saying that she got asked to her first, high school, homecoming dance!! Ahhhhh I was so excited for her, but at the same time.... it's bittersweet. I can't believe my baby sister is going to be going to her first dance already. On the bright side, I can't wait to help her pick out her first dress! :)
- Lastly, this morning, for the very first time....... I went to a Christian church. My good friend Jill (bless her heart for inviting me) had asked me last night if I wanted to go with her. Normally I would have made up an excuse as to why I couldn't go (because I like to stay home on Sunday's); however, an excited feeling crept over me, and I wanted to say yes! So I did just that, and let me tell ya friends....... I have never in my life felt so moved. I feel close to God today, and quite frankly, its one of the best feelings I've ever felt.
Say Yes to New Adventures
TOP RIGHT: I woke up early on Friday morning in order to get in a nice 2-mile run before my classes started. I love running early enough to watch the sun rise; do you ever do this?
BOTTOM LEFT: Sooooo Thursday was an EXTREMELY busy day for me, well, that's what it seemed like anyway. So in order to make it feel like all my hard work had been recognized for the day, I of course treated myself to a creamy, delicious cup of almond milk/vanilla malt frozen yogurt!! On top of this wonderfulness I had peanut butter M&M's, organic granola, one Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, crushed Butterfinger, and caramel turtles. It's basically the best thing on earth.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Tuesday's and Thursday's are some of my busiest days. I work out at 6 in the morning, and have to go straight from my workout to my 8 o'clock Spanish class. Time was pretty slim, and I had forgotten to bring something for breakfast to eat after my workout. So, I ran to the store to grab some of my favorites. A cold bottle of coffee paired with a chewy, energizing granola bar makes for a very awake me during class!
Blogs to Follow:
Back to Her Roots - I discovered Cassie's blog yesterday (after looking at another one of my favorite bloggers post). Cassie is an amazing food blogger, as well as a graphic designer, country gal, new mommy, and wife. She seems like the kind of person I'd love to call my friend!
Dearest Love - Thanks to Logan over at Logan Can, I discovered Jenna's blog. Every Friday Jenna hosts a link-up party called "Coffee Date" (that title alone made me excited to see what her blog was all about!) I would be pretty happy if I could go have coffee with her someday! She is a cute 2nd grade teacher that lives in Atlanta, and blogs about the wonderful things in life. Go have a look-see; you won't be disappointed!
Enjoying the Small Things - Wow. I am so incredibly happy I came across Kelle's blog. She is definitely a person you guys should follow. Not only is she a beautiful mama.... she is also a wife, writer, blogger, photographer, and so much more!
Random Links:
Ooey, Gooey Chocolate Chip & Toffee Bars
Must Have Shoes For Early Fall
15 Autumn Pumpkin Projects & Recipes
Summer Meets Fall With Pressed Flower Candles
Crisp Air
Chai-Spiced Cinnamon Rolls
Random Facts:
- I don't sing in the shower because I'm always afraid of someone hearing me... even when i'm the only one home
- I don't like wearing bras. Once I'm home, it's gone (well... unless I have company). Common ladies you know you do it too!
- I don't catch onto jokes as quickly as most people. If I don't get it, then I try and play it off like I do by laughing
- I eat peanut butter every day whether its on a rice cake, a banana, another kind of fruit, on my toast, or on my oatmeal pancakes
- Gum to me is like a cigarette to a smoker
- Country music has my heart
- I have been told I have vampire eyes, like the Cullens on Twilight
Captures Of The Week

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep in touch with me through Instagram; I would love to chit chat with you! :)

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep in touch with me through Instagram; I would love to chit chat with you! :)
--McKenna <3
McKenna, stopping by from the Currently link-up, LOVE all your pictures! And yes, I will admit it....get home, bra is off! boom. freedom!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha! Thanks so much, Cassie!! It was such a beautiful location; I had a bull staring me down the entire time though, so, that was a bit scary ha ha. & YES....... BOOM is the perfect word for that statement, lol. Guy's will never understand the level of "un-comfort" bra's can give us ladies.....
DeleteI can totally relate to your random facts!! I absolutely LOVE peanut butter and don't sing in the shower either haha Just by reading your bio I feel like we have a lot in common! I'm also getting a degree in Business Marketing and will be graduating in about 2 years! I'm so excited to follow you on your journey :)
ReplyDeleteHaha Brittany, I just commented on your most recent post, "September Goals," and I just cannot believe how much we have in common! Seriously, I think your my long lost twin! That's so cool we are doing the same major; what do you want to do after you graduate? Btw, I think you and your boyfriend's love story is precious <3
DeleteYAY for happy dates!
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful pictures! And thanks for also giving me a few other blogs to check out :)
ReplyDeleteYour so welcome, B! I'm so glad you stopped by! I also happened to notice that your description says that you are from New York? If this is right, I AM SO JEALOUS!!! Haha I have wanted to go to New York for soooooooo soooooo sooooooo long now. I might be getting the chance to go at the beginning of next year; crossing my finger! Oh, and I'm glad you liked the blogs I shared. They are so great! :)
DeleteI love that top left picture of you! haha It looks like you have had a great weekend! Date nights and shopping for fall? The. Best.
ReplyDeleteLol, thanks, Logan! I really was SOOOOO nervous!! I mean, you never know how first dates are going to go, and most of the time they are super awkward. Luckily, it wasn't awkward at all; it was the best date I have been on in quite some time! You could definitely say that I had a great week! Did you know that Bath & Body Works has their Fall scents out now? It pretty much made my day when I found out! :D
DeleteThanks for joining MMG this week. Just a reminder if you want to submit your link all we ask if that you link back to your hosts blog OR there's a lovely button you can use :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!! Thanks so much for reminding me, Kim! Your button is now included on my post :)