Sunday Post #1

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Oh my goodness, words cannot describe how good it feels to be back! Ever since I decided to only post on Sundays (due to lack of time throughout the week from school), I find myself daydreaming during class about a million different things I want to write about; do any other bloggers out there do this while at work, school, or elsewhere? #bloggerprobs

I have been trying to figure out how I want to go about these #sundayposts, and honestly, am still not quite settled on anything. Basically, today's post is my guinea pig; it might be a little random, but I promise it will be filled with lots of interesting and delightful "stuff".

Say Yes to New Adventures

 TOP LEFT: See that lady cheering? That's because the Uintah Utes (my hometown's high school football team) made an awesome play at there first home game (they ended up winning as well). After class this last Friday I raced home (3 hours) to watch my little sister, a member of the Uintah High U'ettes, perform at her first high school football game. Upon arrival I realized I had made a mistake in wearing cute, yellow shorts. Why? It looked like I was in Seattle, Washington; rain was on the way. After making it to the game, I watched in excitement as the score board time neared the half-time mark. 8 minutes....... 6 minutes.... 3 minutes.... 30 seconds.... 2 seconds left!!!..... THEN.... Rain. Everywhere... Teams running off the field.... parents, siblings, and students clearing the stands... umbrellas going up.... and here I am thinking, "SERIOUSLY!?!?! You couldn't have waited like..... 5 more minutes?" Long story short, they ended up finishing the game; however, the U'ette's did NOT get to perform. Sad. Day. Although I didn't get to see my sis perform during halftime, I did get to see her do some shorter, side-line routines before the rain came, which was just as great. She is a rock star. As I watched her dance and sit in the student section, I became quiet, and couldn't quite grasp the fact that she is now in high school, my little sis. It's bittersweet watching her grow up (I'm even getting choked up now), but more sweet than bitter. #proudoldersis

TOP RIGHT: For those of you who didn't see this earlier in the week, this is my FAVORITE snack/breakfast/side in the world! There are three reasons for that: there's peanut butter, there's honey, and there's bananas. That combination right there equals LOVE. It's also very filling, so if you are ever in need of a quick fix that keeps you full, try this out. Whatever you do though.... DO NOT forget to sprinkle cinnamon on top... you won't get the full, delicious effect!

BOTTOM LEFT: I mentioned on this picture that I would be putting the recipe up on the blog Sunday, and what-do-ya-know, it's Sunday! This (Strawberry Protein Oatmeal Pancakes) is one of my favorite breakfast meals. Not only does it fill me up, it provides for and fuels my body during the day. Here it is:


1 egg
2 egg whites
1/4 - 1/2 scoop strawberry protein powder
1/2 cup quick oats
splash almond milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
Sprinkle cinnamon
Banana slices


Mix all ingredients together (in the above order). Pour entire mix into medium size fry pan for one large pancake. Top with banana slices, honey, granola, and/or peanut butter. Eat plain, drizzled with yogurt, or dipped in low-cal maple syrup. Enjoy :)

BOTTOM RIGHT: This right here is another one of my favorite snacks/pre-workout snacks! It's just a caramel corn rice cake with Jiff's whipped peanut butter, honey, banana slices, and cinnamon. Delicious. Nutritious. Low-cal. Filling. Yum!

Blogs to Follow:

The Daily Tay

Logan Can

Rivers & Roads

Oak and Oat's

East &

Random Links:

11 Thing I Wish I Knew Before Going To College

Teen Who Survived 2 Plane Crashes Achieves Basketball Dream

Why You Should Make New Years Resolutions In The Fall 

18 Healthy Sandwich Choices That Make Lunchtime Special

You'll Flip For These Pumpkin Pancakes

Stuff I Want to Tell You:

Yesterday........ I GOT A CAMERA!!!! I have been wanting a nicer, more professional camera for awhile now (mainly to improve my blog). After we went and got the camera (a Nikon D60) that my cousin sold to me (thanks Misty!), my sweet mom took the time to help me understand the camera before I went back to school.  I kept telling her that in a way I felt guilty for allowing her to help me, seeing as she has worked for over 4 years researching and reading to get to the place she's at today. Of course I still have a massive amount to do myself, but....basically I just feel super blessed to have such a humble mother. I also told her that she has a way with teaching, and should think about giving photography lessons; anyone who knows my mama probably agrees! Here is the link to her site if you want to check out her photos: Janece Kenney Photography.

To wrap up this weekend post, I'm going to share a few more photos that I took this morning, just because I'm tickled pink with how they turned out! :P I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Manage your time wisely so that you can lessen stress. Eat healthy. Eat treats, too. Exercise. Spend time with your family. Get enough sleep. Have goals to accomplish each day. Tell the ones dear to your heart that you love them. Make a new friend. Reach out to someone. And lastly, spoil yourself a little! :) I will talk with you all in one week! In the meantime.... follow my adventures on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Lots of love -- McKenna <3


  1. I totally think about blogging all the time. I have so many post ideas I could probably fill up my blog schedule for the next year. Glad to come across your blog through the Oak+Oats link up!

    1. Chantel, I'm so glad you stopped by! :) You should definitely think about pursuing blogging! It's so crazy to me to think that.... about 2-3 months ago blogging was never a thought in my mind... but now it's ALL that's in there, lol (okay... maybe other things too like food, school, and more food). I have a passion for it now, and I think you would as well. Go for it :)

  2. Lovely photos, you have a good eye! Daydreaming about blogging during work/school is normal (at least that's what I tell myself!) I have to have a notebook handy to jot down ideas so that I can go back to concentrating on what I am supposed to be doing!

    1. Oh, that is such a great tip, Nicki!! Thank you for that :) I need to go and buy a journal that will strictly be used for my blogging notes... maybe I'll do that tomorrow... lol. Also, I would love to be able to do DIY projects as well as you! I think I would love it if I tried, but I am always too lazy to go to the store to get supplies. Maybe that will change someday :P

  3. I am always thinking 'oh that would be a great post' therefore missing something it use to be class stuff but now I just miss whats going on around me haha.
    Love this post! Your photos are super artistic I love the hat one the most!


    1. Lol, I am right there will you, Brooke! Sometimes people try to talk to me when I'm in my "daydream mode", and they get so mad when I didn't comprehend a word they had said, haha!! Thank you for the picture comment; I love to capture photos that are out of the norm. Oh! And also..... I love puppies, too!! Haha and my dream place to travel to someday is New York. This dream might be coming up next year for me, actually, and I. Am. So. Stoked!! Haha, what was your favorite part of the beautiful city?

  4. Woo hoo for a new camera!! Your photos look amazing! Thank you so much for the shout out. I feel really honored to be listed with these other blogs because they are some of my favorites and I really look up to them, so thank you. :)

    1. Oh, of course, Logan! :) I love to get other people's blogs noticed, especially when they are one's that inspire me everyday (yes... I'm talking about yours, haha). Thank you for the picture comments; encouraging words like that always make me feel so good! Can't wait to see what you have coming to your blog next! Until next time, friend....

  5. Your photos are gorgeous. You totally have an eye for photography.

    1. Oh, your so sweet....thank you so much, Stephanie! :) Nice comments like that make me so happy. One of my favorite quotes is "all that I am, I owe to my mother", and I truly believe that! I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for her. <3

  6. I am constantly thinking about blogging posts when I am doing other things :) Beautiful photos with your new camera!

    1. Haha I am so glad I'm not the only one, Paris! I think we have a case of #bloggeritis do you agree? :P Thank you for your kind words! So glad you stopped by :)

  7. Replies
    1. Of course! :) Thank YOU for having such an awesome blog! Haha. Btw, I may feel just a little bit cool that you and I live in the same state..... :P

  8. I think about blogging and blogging related things all the time- so you are not alone. Also, I spent all weekend playing around with a camera I borrowed from a friend and I can't wait to get my own! You pictures are awesome :)

    1. Haha first off Giselle, I loved your blog!! Wanna know what else I love? That fact that I think we would be the best of friends, because we have so much in common, lol!! I love reading... I love fitness/healthy lifestyles.... I am happier staying in and blogging/watching movies/reading/ or eating food rather than going to a crazy college party, and I love to make other people happy! I am so glad you commented on my post, because it brought me to your blog (which I'm totally subscribing to)! Thank you for your kind compliments :) I can't wait for you to get your own camera, too, it's so much fun! I look forward to our future encounters, lots of love!

  9. Replies
    1. Of course, Jenise! Thank YOU for stopping by; I'm so glad! :)

  10. Ahh, peanut butter, bananas, and honey on toast is one of my favorite childhood snacks! My dad would make it all the time for us when he was in charge of making us lunch or breakfast. :)

    1. Awww that's so tender, Jenna!! :) I just love when food brings back good, childhood memories.... Have you ever tried peanut butter and powdered sugar on top of french toast? Ha ha.... HEAVENLY!!!

  11. awesome pics with the new camera!! i need to do some fall resolutions

    1. Oh my goodness so do I Elle..... I think I might try and do that this weekend, are you with me?! :D We can share with each other what we came up with! Thank you for the photo comment as well! :)

  12. Ohh, you got some great shots. Good job.

    1. Thank you, Aleshea! It was a lot of fun. I just woke up early one morning and decided to go take some pictures. It turned into an adventure, and I even had a little old lady ask me if I was a model! I mean.... talk about make my day! Haha



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