Every sunrise is a new beginning

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Normally, I take my weekends off of exercising; however, I kind of had an "off day" yesterday and wanted to get back on the ball this morning. Wednesday night I didn't go to bed until two o'clock, and was a bad girl because I had a much-too-filling midnight snack. I still set my alarm to 5:30 a.m. so that I could go to my boot camp class; unfortunately, I slept through it. Truth is, I told myself, "Ehhh if I get up I'll go, but if I don't oh well." That was my first mistake. I woke up, felt more tired than usual, felt sluggish, and wasn't motivated to go workout. I decided to eat some breakfast; I ate cereal and toast (not the most nutritious meal). I then felt "fluffy"on top of feeling sluggish, and un-motivated. Great. From then on my whole day was unbalanced. I continued to feel "fluffy", sluggish, tired, and bloaty the rest of the day. Not wanting to feel that way again, I was better, and did some high intensity/cardio workouts for 30 minutes, Friday morning. However, I still didn't feel my best.

So, in determination to feel better, Friday night, I planned to wake up early Saturday morning to go on a run, and watch the sun rise. I have come to learn that if I plan out my workouts the night before, I am more likely to follow through the next day. If I don't plan, I usually have little motivation, and I don't enjoy the workout (which is a shame...because working out should be fun!)

The hill I jogged up! It's a definite booty-worker!

The sun hadn't peeked over the mt. yet!...

And then..... :)

I love running outdoors. I especially love running early enough to watch the sun rise. It's beautiful. It's peaceful. It's my meditation.

Post run selfie ;)

After I finished my run I wanted to do a bit more, so that I got a full-body workout. I did what I do a lot.... found a workout on Pinterest!! I love Pinterest... a lot a lot a lot! This is the one I picked out...

So I hope you all have a wonderful day, and you should definitely make plans to go on a morning, sun rise run (say that 5 times fast) sometime soon! Lastly, from me to you, "May every sunrise hold more promise, and every sunset hold more peace."

All my love, McKenna <3

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